カツオ筋肉脂質に関する研究 II : 低温貯蔵中における各脂質区分の変化


  • カツオ筋肉脂質に関する研究-2-低温貯蔵中における各脂質区分の変化
  • カツオ キンニク シシツ ニカンスルケンキュウ 2 テイオン チョゾウチュウ
  • Studies on Lipid in the Muscle of Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) II : Deterioration Pattern of major Lipid Classes in the Muscle stored at 0°C
  • カツオ キンニク シシツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ II : テイオン チョゾウチュウ ニオケル カク シシツ クブン ノ ヘンカ



The deterioration of lipids of minced skipjack muscle stored at 0°C was investigated from theview-point of the decomposition of phospholipid (PL) and neutral lipid (NL).The pattern of deterioration of muscle lipid expressed as the decrease in C_22:6 acid of PL or NL, showed that PL underwent more severe hydrolysis and oxidation than NL did, and alsooxidation of free fatty acid was more severe in early stage of storage. This pattern, therefore,was assumed to be a characteristic of deterioration of skipjack muscle lipid.The presence of lipolytic enzymes was determined by histochemical method, and it was notedthat in this case the stained colour, due to phospholipase action, of salts of liberated fatty acidwas positive in surface and deep muscles, while the stained colour, due to lipase action, of saltsof liberated fatty acid was negative in the fresh muscle.


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