The Effect of Exercise Program for Clumsy Children in the Community : A Pilot Study

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  • 地域における不器用さをもつ小学生を対象とした運動プログラムの効果 : パイロットスタディ
  • チイキ ニ オケル ブキヨウ サ オ モツ ショウガクセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ ウンドウ プログラム ノ コウカ : パイロットスタディ

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[Purpose] To implement a physiotherapist-supervised exercise and play program for children with clumsiness and having difficulty exercising in the community and to examine its effects on motor functions and related factors. [Method] A 60-minute exercise program was conducted once a week for 9 weeks for 10 clumsy children aged 7-10 years. For motor function, the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) score was measured and compared before and after exercise. [Results] There was a significant improvement in the total MABC-2 score before and after the exercise program but there was no significant improvement in the scores of three components, namely "manual dexterity," "aiming and catching," and "balance." [Conclusion] Participation in a weekly exercise program could improve motor functions in children with clumsiness.


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