Toward satoyama community for dementia in super aging society

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  • 超高齢社会における認知症 ー 里山コミュニティの創成をめざして -
  • Toward Satoyama Community Caring for Dementia in Super Aging Society

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Japan is experiencing a super aging society where 25% of the population is 65 or older and one eighth of them have dementia. First the author briefs the history of policies of health care system for old people focusing on dementia and the social, financial, and demographic factors affecting the system, and then examines the new policy "Orange Plan" and the problems associated with it. Second, the author describes the world of people living with dementia, where the banishment of self-consciousness can be regarded as a blessed adaptation to old age that decreases death anxiety. Finally, the author advocates the necessity of creating Satoyama communities where people are born, become socialized, and live their life supporting each other even in their process of vanishing away.


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