Recent developments concerning the extension of the Special Measures Law for the Promotion and Development of the Amami Islands : How far can the islanders' opinions be reflected

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In 2013, it will be sixty years since the Amami Islands were returned to Japan. It will also be fifty-nine years since the Special Measures Law for the Promotion and Development of the Amami Islands was enacted and next year will see the law being extended further. Based on this law, a large amount of public works spending has been made in the Amami Islands. This infrastructure drastically improved the standard of living of the people living on the islands. However, this economic transformation also shook up people's lives greatly. In the light of the extension of the law, this paper focusses on new developments on the national, prefectural and municipal levels. It also looks at future policy problems, and at whether the islands' nature, culture and people's livelihoods are soundly reflected in the budget.


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