What is the emotional labor in the rehabilitation service professionals?: a new perspective of the emotional labor in the rehabilitation service professionals
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- Other Title
- リハビリ専門職における感情労働とは何か--その展望と課題
- リハビリ センモンショク ニ オケル カンジョウ ロウドウ トワ ナニ カ ソノ テンボウ ト カダイ
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This study investigated the conceptual aspects of the emotional labor performed by rehabilitation professions, such as physical therapists, speech-language-hearing therapists, and occupational therapists. Half of a structured interview was performed using the focus group interview method. Prior to the interview, an interview guide was developed based on our previous work. The interview data were analyzed using the Grounded Theory Approach( GTA). We found that the three rehabilitation professionals shared a common concept of emotional labor. This common concept of emotional labor can be divided into five core categories as follows: 1)rules regarding feelings, 2) actions based on feelings, 3) management of feelings, 4) negative or positive interactions 5)dissonance of feelings. Regardless of the professional specialty, there was no difference in the emotional burden among the various types of rehabilitation professionals interviewed. All professionals assumed that handling the emotional burden was a part of their duties from perspective of their professional ethics. On additional analysis, the importance of social skills also emerged when it comes to handling the emotional burden.
- Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University
Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University 5 31-38, 2011-03
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050848249780967296
- NII Article ID
- 120006866962
- NII Book ID
- AA12235266
- 11126704
- 1881509X
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles