

Bibliographic Information

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  • Food and Nutritional Value and Actual Usage of Edible Canna.



ショウガ目カンナ科に属する植物である食用カンナは,南米のアンデス地域に起源し,紀元前2500 年頃にはすでに利用されていた記録がある.食用カンナは,観賞用カンナと異なり,根茎を多数形成してデンプンを蓄積する.食用カンナの栄養学的価値は高く,特に食物繊維,レジスタントスターチを多く含んでいる.しかし,食用カンナに関する詳細な植物学・作物学における研究報告が少なく,食品・栄養学的研究報告はほとんどない.南米,東南アジアでは食用や家畜の餌として,アフリカでは薬用植物として利用されている.本稿では食用カンナの食品・栄養学的価値とその利用について紹介する.

Edible canna, a robust perennial herb belonging to the family Cannaceae of the order Zingiberales,originated in the Andean region of South America and has been recorded as being used since around 2500 BCE.Unlike ornamental canna, edible canna forms a large number of rhizomes which accumulate starch. It is nutritionally valuable, being especially rich in dietary fiber and resistant starch. However, few etailed research studies are available on edible canna with regard to its botany, its use as a crop or food and its nutritional value although it is used as a food and livestock feed in South America and Southeast Asia and as a medicinal plant in Africa. This paper summarizes the nutritional characteristics of edible canna and its use as a food.


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