Facts and problems concerning the restoration project for liquefaction damage with unified approach to both infrastructure and private land

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  • 12 municipalities with liquefaction damage by The Great East Japan Earthquake
  • ―東日本大震災液状化被災12自治体を対象として―

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The Great East Japan Earthquake caused widespread liquefaction damage and the Japanese national government established the restoration project for liquefaction damage, as one of the earthquake reconstruction projects in November 2011. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the projects. We conducted the interview researches to all the 12 municipalities which consider the implementation of the projects. The results of this paper are as follows; this new project will be meaningful since it enables the solutions to public infrastructure and private land altogether. However, public sectors did not have any experiences to implement the project and then every municipality had difficulties in consensus building. In particular, it is difficult for residents to understand the risk of liquefaction precisely, or to choose the right soft-ground stabilization methods, or to evaluate the cost and benefit of the projects, all of which are unique to the liquefaction issue.


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