

  • Pecan Nut Color: 90-Days Dietary Toxicity Study in F344 Rats
  • F344 ラット ニ ヨル ペカンナッツ シキソ ノ 90ニチカン ハンプクコンジ トウヨ ドクセイ シケン



A subchronic toxicity study of pecan nut color was performed using F344 rats of both genders. Pecan nut color, a flavonoid extrcated from the coat of pecan nuts (Carya pecan ENGL. et GRAEBN.), is permitted for use as a food color by the Ministry of Health and Walfare, Japan. The product containing 60% dextrin (added in the process of manufacture) was used in the experiment. Rats were administered pecan nut color at concentrations of 0% (basal diet, control group), 0.5%, 3.0% and 5.0% in the basal powder diet for 90 days. Rats in the vehicle control group were given dextrin at the concentration of 3.0% in the same manner as used for the experimental groups. No significant changes related to pecan nut color or dextrin were found in body weight or food consumption throughout the observation period, or in hematology, serum chemistry or organ weights at autopsy. Furthermore, neither gross nor histological examination revealed any adverse effect or significant difference from the control. It is concluded that feeding of diet containing pecan nut color at a concentration of 5.0% (1, 287mg/kg/day for males and 1, 344mg/kg/day for females as mean intake of pecan nut color without dextrin) for 90 days has no adverse effect in rats.


  • 食品衛生学雑誌

    食品衛生学雑誌 39 (6), 375-382_1, 1998

    公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会

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