A case of primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma

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  • Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphomaと考えた1例

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Herein, we report the case of a 66-year-old man with cutaneous B-cell pseudolymphoma. He had a history of an ill-defined red-brown plaque, which appeared on the right side of his chest seven years previously. The biopsy specimen revealed a dense, lymphocytic infiltrate admixed with eosinophils and focal reactive lymphoid follicles with cell atypia. Immunohistochemical findings showed that these cells were CD20+, CD79a+, bcl-2+, weakly bcl-6+, MUM-1-, Cyclin D-, CD10-, CD30-, and CD56-. Immunophenotypic studies did not show the presence of any phenotypic aberrance of the monotypic immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain. However, rearrangement of the DH7/JH gene was positive via polymerase chain reaction analysis. General examinations did not reveal any findings of malignant lymphoma. The plaques spontaneously regressed after a biopsy was performed. This case did not fulfill the criteria of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma, but the wide range of skin plaques should be considered worrisome for potential progression to true lymphoma, especially primary cutaneous marginal zone B lymphoma.[Skin Cancer (Japan) 2015 ; 30 : 163-167]


  • Skin Cancer

    Skin Cancer 30 (3), 163-167, 2015

    The Japanese Skin Cancer Society


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