Relationship between origin of atmospheric mercury and pathway of air mass observed at free troposphere

  • KINOSHITA Hazumu
    Nippon Instrument Co. LTD
    Fukuoka Institute of Technology Kyushu University Museum, Kyushu University The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  • NAKAZAWA Koyomi
    Fukuoka Institute of Technology Kyushu University Museum, Kyushu University The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  • YOKOTA Kuriko
    Toyohashi University of Technology

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  • 自由対流圏における大気中水銀の起源と輸送経路の関係
  • 自由対流圏における大気中水銀の起源と輸送経路の関係 : 富士山体における観測
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  • -富士山体における観測-
  • -Observation on Mt. Fuji-

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<p>To clarify the long-range transport of atmospheric Hg, the monitoring was conducted at the free-troposphere mountainous site. The monitoring campaign was conducted at six observation sites between 3,776 m to 2,230 m in Mt. Fuji. The sampling campaign period spanned August to September in 2009 divided by five times (#1, #2, #3, #4, and #5). Total gaseous mercury (TGM) and mercury associated with particulate matter (HgP) concentrations were measured using both active and passive sampler. TGM concentrations were observed in the range of 1.00 to 5.00 ng/m3. Characteristic vertical distribution was observed in the campaign of #3. TGM concentrations in low altitude shows in the range of 1.00 to 1.50 ng/m3 and in high altitude the concentrations were distribute between 2.00 to 5.00 ng/m3. Both C. Ratio and TGM concentration on campaign of #3 gradually decreased as altitude decreases. The causes remain uncertainty, however, this research suggests an air mass arriving at high elevation sampling points of Mt. Fuji entrained a polluted air when low-altitude air masses passed through a region with heavily polluted coastal areas in China.</p>



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 29 (6), 275-282, 2016-11-30


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