Study of the Factor Influencing Nursing Practice Related to Suicide Prevention by Hospital Nurses
- Ishikawa Chie
- School of Medicine Nursing Course, Asahikawa Medical University
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- 病院に勤務する看護師による自殺予防のための看護実践に影響する要因の検討
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This study aimed to elucidate the factors influencing nursng practice related to suicide prevention by hospital nurses. We created a questionnaire consisting of 115 items, based on a reveiw of the literature, and conducted a questionnaire survey for 578 hospital nurses. There were significant differences in nursing practice scores regarding "past experiences of caring for patients with suicidal ideation" and "feelings/thoughts about suicide prevention." Multivariate regression analysis (step-down procedure) revealed that the greatest variable influencing nursing practice was "feeling about suicide prevention," followed by "past experiences of caring for patients with suicidal ideation." Even in hospital wards other than psychiatric units, nurses engaged in nursing practice related to suicide prevention had positive feelings and thoughts about their efforts in this capacity, and they drew on their past experiences of caring for patients with suicidal ideation. For the future, there is an urgent need for implementation of training to instill greater confidence in nurses and to provide them with basic approaches for preventing suicide, as well as for establishment of the support system that allows nurses to express and share their feelings about suicide prevention with others.
- Journal of Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 23 (2), 12-20, 2014
The Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204431134592
- NII Article ID
- 110009892506
- NII Book ID
- AN10478677
- 2432101X
- 09180621
- 026060499
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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