Mastication Quantities for Rice or Bread in Japanese- and Western-style Menus

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  • 和食・洋食一食中における主食の咀嚼量

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The goal of this study is to evaluate mastication quantities for the entire meal using electromyography (EMG). Using the EMG and video techniques, we analyzed mastication behaviors while two Japanese-style and two Western-style meals were being eaten. The mastication quantities of rice and bread, the staple foods in the meals, were compared.<BR>Bread was softer in mechanical test than rice, but EMG activity of bread was higher than that of rice. Balance in mastication quantities was good in Japanese-style menus, while in Westernstyle menus including bread, more mastication was required for bread.<BR>In the case of French bread, the hardness determined by the standards of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare was appropriately low for elderly persons, however French bread required quite high amount of chewing. As mastication quantity in bread is high, westernized food would not reduce mastication.<BR>Rice gruel is cooked to soften the cooked rice. As a larger volume of gruel is required to provide the equivalent energy of rice, more chewing with long mastication was needed to intake the required energy. This fact suggests that softer food is not always easier to chew.


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