Relationship Between Dietary trans Fatty Acids and Health Aspects

  • MARUYAMA Takenori
    Japan Association for Inspection and Investigation of Foods including Fats and Oils

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  • トランス脂肪酸と健康
  • トランス シボウサン ト ケンコウ

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Trans fatty acids (TFA) containing fats and oils are known to increase biomarkers of chronic disease risk, especially for cardiovascular disease, and impair essential fatty acid metabolism. Therefore in countries such as the United States, total TFA had be declared on the nutrition label. In other countries such as Denmark, Switzerland and Austria are restricting use of fats and oils containing TFA. In Japan, The Food Safety Commission of Japan have expressed that intake of TFA in population of Japan is lower than the standard level recommended by WHO. Therefore, health effects of TFA in population in Japan, as far as they follow a normal diet, are considered to be little. With this statement, Japanese interests about the TFA have been diminished. But TFA issue has not been resolved. The aim of the present report is to provide a summary of the current of TFA.


  • Oleoscience

    Oleoscience 13 (6), 259-266, 2013

    Japan Oil Chemists' Society


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