How much longer can we create human and animal chimera for scientific research? : The agendas for discussion


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  • ヒトと動物のキメラを作成する研究はどこまで認められるか? : 再議論に向けた検討課題の提示

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In July 2010, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology received the first notification of the procedure for creating human-to-animal chimeric embryos by inserting human induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells) into animal blastocysts. This case drew attention to the necessity of reviewing the regulations of human-to-animal chimeric embryos under the Act on Regulation of Human Cloning Techniques and the Guidelines for Specified Embryo. I have begun this paper by organizing the concept of "human and animal chimera" - including human-to-animal chimera and animal-to-human chimera - which eventually became quite complicated. Subsequently, I have discussed the problematic issues of the existing regulations and the agendas for reviewing the regulations of creating and using human-to-animal chimeric embryos. As a result, I have clearly listed four problems of the existing regulations: for example, the duration that the human-to-animal chimeric embryos can be maintained is lacking validity. In addition, I have proposed the discussion for human and animal chimera with wider vision which includes the scientific, ethical, legal, and sociological aspects . In the end, I have mentioned three important points that need to be discussed including what kind of human and animal chimera can be allowed to be created.


  • Bioethics

    Bioethics 21 (1), 22-32, 2011

    Japan Association for Bioethics

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