
  • 上西 由翁
    Department of Food Sience and Technology, National Fisheries University
  • 国本 正彦
    Department of Food Sience and Technology, National Fisheries University
  • 山本 有司
    Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University
  • 水上 譲
    Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University
  • 鬼頭 鈞
    Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University


  • Rapid Discrimination of Porphyra yezoensis and P. tenera by PCR-SSCP Using Restriction Fragments and Silver Stain Detection.
  • Rapid Discrimination of Porphyra yesoensis and P. tenera by PCR-SSCP Using Restriction Fragments and Silver Stain Detection



Porphyra yezoensisandP. tenera (wild types) were discriminated by the PCR-SSCP (single strand conformation polymorphism) technique on 2 regions amplified from small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes. A simple method has been developed using silver stain detection and 5 or 6% acrylamide gel with 2.0% crosslink monomer and 10% glycerol under the buffer system of Tris-Glycine. In the 586 nucleotides region, which had more sequence variations amongPorphyrasp., single-point mutations were found using SSCP analysis of restriction fragments. PCR-SSCP analysis of 13 layer cultivars indicated the same pattern as forP. yezoensis. The modified PCR-SSCP analysis contains 4 steps and can be completed within 8 h.


  • 水産増殖

    水産増殖 47 (1), 1-7, 1999


参考文献 (20)*注記


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