Textural Properties of Noodle Measured by Breaking Test in Relation to Sensory Evaluation
- Shimiya Yoko
- Department of Food and Health Sciences, Jissen Women's University
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- Other Title
- 破断試験によるゆで麺のテクスチャーの特徴と官能評価との関係
- ハダンシケン ニ ヨル ユ デ メン ノ テクスチャー ノ トクチョウ ト カンノウ ヒョウカ ト ノ カンケイ
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The textural properties of noodles boiled and kept in a refrigerator for 0,1,2 and 4 hours and 1 day were investigated by a breaking test. The curve of the breaking stress was analyzed by difference calculus to indicate the degree of the change in hardness while chewing the noodles. The change in texture, or koshi, of the noodles after boiling could be quantitatively expressed by the change in slope of the breaking stress curve with a strain of 0.01. A multiple-regression analysis of the noodle texture was performed on the score from the sensory evaluation and the breaking test results. The breaking energy and the discrepancy in the slope of the breaking stress curve for the noodles were selected as independent variables, and the multiple correlation coefficient was 0.997.
- Journal of Cookery Science of Japan
Journal of Cookery Science of Japan 33 (2), 198-203, 2000
The Japan Society of Cookery Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204740221824
- NII Article ID
- 110001170062
- 130004132454
- NII Book ID
- AN10471022
- 5392758
- 13411535
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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