Effect of Superheated Steam on the Quality of Baked Sponge Cakes


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  • 過熱水蒸気が焼成品の調理特性に与える影響―スポンジケーキの焙焼―


Sponge cakes were baked in a superheated steam oven and a steam-free convection oven to compare the quality of products cooked with superheated steam. The superheated steam markedly increased the heat transfer coefficient in the initial stage of heating. When compared withthe cake baked in the steam-free oven, the one baked in the superheated steam oven expanded more with visible cracking; moreover, its crust was darker and harder. Heating with superheated steam increased the rate of temperature rise on the surface of the cake, resulting in shorter baking time. The cake baked in the shortest time with superheated steam also showed cracking and a harder crust than that of the cake baked in the steam-free oven. The quality of sponge cakes baked with superheated steam was substantially influenced by the considerable transfer of heat during the initial stage of heating.


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