肝胆道疾患患者における高比重リポたんぱく異常について  とくにアポたんぱくEの検討


  • Apoprotein E-rich high density lipoprotein in liver disease and cholestasis
  • カン タンドウ シッカン カンジャ ニ オケル コウ ヒジュウ リポ タンパク



Content of apoprotein E (apo E) in high density lipoprotein (HDL) was examined in hepatobiliary disease by semiquantitative method of SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.<BR>Abnormal increase of HDL apo E was observed in 10 of 20 with acute hepatitis, 2 of 5 with hepatocellular carcinoma and 2 of 3 with obstructive jaundice. Manifest HDL apo E was observed in patients with severe form of acute hepatitis ans in terminal stage of hepatocellular carcinoma, which was accompanied with marked decrease of HDL, hyperbilirubinemia and the elevation of alkaline phosphatase activity.<BR>Apo E content in HDL from patients with chronic hepatitis and compensated cirrhosis were almost normal. The appearance of apo E-rich high density lipoprotein in patients with severe liver disease and cholestasis suggests abnormalities of nascent HDL metabolism due to decreased LCAT activity. But mechanisms which may contribute appearance of apo E-rich HDL in patients with cholestasis need farther investigation.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 24 (2), 167-173, 1983

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

