Barriers of Transfer to Palliative Care Units in Core Cancer Hospitals from the Viewpoint of Medical Social Workers and Discharge Support and Coordination Nurses
- Nagaoka Hiroka
- Center for Palliative and Supportive Care, University of Tsukuba Hospital
- Sakashita Akihiro
- Department of Palliative Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
- Hamano Jun
- Division of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
- Kishino Megumi
- Cancer Information and Support Services, Cancer Center, Kobe University Hospital
- Iwata Naoko
- Center for Medical Social Service Center, University of Tsukuba Hospital
- Fukuchi Tomoha
- Department of Palliative Care / Patient Support, Patient Support Center, Kanagawa Cancer Center
- Shima Yasuo
- Department of Palliative Medicine, Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital
- Kizawa Yoshiyuki
- Department of Palliative Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
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- Other Title
- がん診療連携拠点病院のソーシャルワーカー・退院調整看護師から見た緩和ケア病棟転院の障壁
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<p>Identifying barriers regarding cancer patients’ transfer to palliative care units (PCUs) should help improve their quality of life and enable them to choose where to recuperate. The present study sought to define these barriers using a self-completed questionnaire survey of medical social workers and nurses at the discharge support and coordination departments of 424 cancer care hospitals nationwide. By exploratory factor analysis, Identified barriers to PCUs transfer included 11 domains. Our study suggested that the barriers experienced by medical social workers and nurses at the discharge support and coordination departments regarding transfer to PCUs can be reduced by sufficient explanation by physicians to patients, timely PCUs referral with psychosocial consideration, improvement of collaborative system in between cancer care hospitals nationwide, general hospital, PCUs and home medical care, clarifying adequate structure to identify the patient who needs admission to PCUs. </p>
- Palliative Care Research
Palliative Care Research 12 (4), 789-799, 2017
Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205258425344
- NII Article ID
- 130006288040
- 18805302
- 20.500.14094/90006102
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed