Pressure Measurement in Three Axial Directions on the Tip of the Laparoscopic Forceps and Skill Analysis in a Dissection Procedure

  • YOSHIDA Kenji
    Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kansai Medical University
  • KURODA Yoshihiro
    Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • KAGIYAMA Yoshiyuki
    The Center for Advanced Medical Engineering and Informatics. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Osaka University
  • IMURA Masataka
    Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • KINOSHITA Hidefumi
    Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kansai Medical University
  • MATSUDA Tadashi
    Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kansai Medical University
  • OSHIRO Osamu
    Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

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  • 腹腔鏡手術用鉗子先端に加わる作用力の計測と剥離操作における技能分析
  • フククウキョウ シュジュツヨウ カンシ センタン ニ クワワル サヨウリョク ノ ケイソク ト ハクリ ソウサ ニオケル ギノウ ブンセキ

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In laparoscopic surgery it is difficult to ascertain the force direction from endoscopic images of two organs being dissected by a surgical instrument. Therefore quantitative skill analysis using force sensor with a high degree of freedom would be useful, especially in dissection procedures. We developed a system to measure the force on the tip of laparoscopic instruments with a spatula-shaped-tip. A forceps was cut at 61mm from the tip, and a 3 DOF sensor that can detect vertical and shear forces was installed between the cutting edges. Two experienced laparoscopic surgeons and three novices carried out a dissection procedure using their dominant hand in an in vitro testing using a kidney of the dead pig. For the vertical and shear forces, the timing and intervals of the peak force, the percentage of the forces and the force applying time are examined. Experts applied the vertical peak force earlier than novices when carrying out a dissection procedure, and then gradually relaxed the force. These results suggest that experts try to keep the instrument tip visualized in the operative field.


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