Climbers' Choice of the Trail Head and Their Evasive Behavior to Crowding at Mt. Fuji

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  • 富士登山者の登山口選択と混雑回避
  • フジ トザンシャ ノ トザングチ センタク ト コンザツ カイヒ

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Concentration of visitors in natural park is one of the most important subject because it causes the deterioration of visitor experience and park resources. In this article, author examined a possibility of visitors dispersion while taking up Mt. Fuji in Japan as a case study. The purpose of this study is 1) to grasp the attributes, behavioral patterns and the consciousness of climbers, and 2) to discuss the issues related to the climbers behavior and psychological state, the park planning and management. As a consequence, the pattern of climbers concentration at 5th station was quite different from that at the top and 4 trail heads were chosen for various reasons including evasion of crowding. Besides, some specific attributes of climbers could evade crowding by choosing time and space.


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