Genomic structure of an economically important cyanobacterium, <I>Arthrospira</I> (<I>Spirulina</I>) <I>platensis</I> NIES-39
- Narikawa Rei
- Dep. of Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
- Fujisawa Takatomo
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Okamoto Shinobu
- Database Center for Life Sci.
- Ehira Shigeki
- Dep. of Biol. Sci., Chuo Univ.
- Yoshimura Hidehisa
- Dep. of Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
- Suzuki Iwane
- Grad. Sch. of Life & Environ. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba
- Masuda Tatsuru
- Dep. of Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
- Mochimaru Mari
- Natural Sci. Fac., Komazawa Univ.
- Takaichi Shinichi
- Biol. Lab., Nippon Med. Sch.
- Awai Koichiro
- Dev. of Global Res. Leaders, Shizuoka Univ.
- Sekine Mitsuo
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Yashiro Isao
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Omata Seiha
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Takarada Hiromi
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Katano Yoko
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Kosugi Hiroki
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Tanikawa Satoshi
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Ohmori Kazuko
- Dep. of Life Sci., Showa Women's Univ.
- Sato Naoki
- Dep. of Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
- Ikeuchi Masahiko
- Dep. of Life Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
- Fujita Nobuyuki
- Nat. Inst. Tech. Eval.
- Ohmori Masayuki
- Dep. of Biol. Sci., Chuo Univ.
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 有用シアノバクテリア<I>Arthrospira</I> (<I>Spirulina</I>) <I>platensis</I> NIES-39のゲノム解析
An alkaliphilic halophilic cyanobacterium, Arthrospira (Spirulina), is an important organism for industrial applications and as a food supply. Almost the complete genome of A. platensis NIES-39 was determined in this study. The genome structure of A. platensis is estimated to be a single, circular chromosome of 6.8 Mbp, based on optical mapping. Annotation of this 6.7 Mbp sequence yielded 6630 protein-coding genes as well as 2 sets of rRNA genes and 40 tRNA genes. Of the protein-coding genes, 78% are similar to those of other organisms; the remaining 22% are currently unknown. A total 612 kbp of the genome comprises group II introns, phage-like sequences, insertion sequences and some repetitive elements. Genome rearrangement mediated by the phage-like sequences was detected. As A. platensis is the first genome for filamentous non-N2-fixing cyanobacteria, filament-specific genes were highlighted by comparative genomic analysis. Further, we will report the unique characteristics of A. platensis genome especially about group I introns, restriction-modification systems, cAMP signal transduction systems and chemotaxis proteins.
- Plant and Cell Physiology Supplement
Plant and Cell Physiology Supplement 2010 (0), 0014-0014, 2010
The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205631606784
- NII Article ID
- 130006992893
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed