科学技術系人材育成・配置論 : 現代社会を解読する方法論となるか


  • Techno-Scientific Human Resource Development and Allocation : A New Research Methodology to Decipher Contemporary Society?
  • カガク ギジュツケイ ジンザイ イクセイ ハイチロン ゲンダイ シャカイ オ カイドク スル ホウホウロン ト ナル カ



This present paper is an attempt to tackle the problem on how to identify the nature of our contemporary highly techno-scientific society. What types of techno-scientific human resources should be developed? What is the best way to allocate them in our society? The possibility of these questions to serve as a strategic method to decipher the very nature of our society itself is the central theme of the paper. The paper begins with a description of strategic intention and discusses the definition issue of "human resources" (Jinzai) . After a short review of relevant research trends, it proceeds to discuss the effectiveness of a methodology using the concept "human" as a strategic tool to analyze the nature of contemporary society, and results in the idea of "techno-scientific human resources as a techno-scientific knowledge intermediary." A proposal is then made for a strategic model named "sequential decipherment of techno-scientific knowledge and information." The applicability and usability of the model to decipher the nature of techno-scientific society is examined in a case study and some implications of the resultant view of the relation between our society and techno-scientific human resources are suggested.


  • 科学教育研究

    科学教育研究 25 (4), 230-242, 2001

    一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会

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