Comparison of Growth and Responses to Nitrogen Fertilization among Three Timothy (Phleum prasense L.) Varieties with Different Heading Stages in Konsen District of Hokkaido
- KISO Seiji
- Hokkaido Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station:(Present office)Hokkaido Central Agricultural Experiment Station
- Hokkaido Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station:(Present office)Hokkaido Central Agricultural Experiment Station
- Hokkaido Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station
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- Other Title
- 北海道根釧地方における出穂期の異なるチモシー(Phleum pratense L.)3品種の生育経過と窒素施肥反応
- ホッカイドウ コンセン チホウ ニ オケル シュッスイキ ノ コトナル チモシ
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The growth and responses to nitrogen (N) fertilization were investigated in timothy varieties with different heading stages in Konsen district of Hokkaido. Three timothy varieties were used in this experiment ; Kunpu (K, extremely early variety) for use of three cuts, Nosappu (No, early) and Hokushu (H, late) for use of two cuts. Each of those varieties was established as pure swards. Results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. Comparing growth among three varieties, K was similar to No, but H was different from both K and No. Namely, the prostrate type H was longer in plant length and had more number of tillers at 1st cutting. 2. H showed the highest yield of 1st cutting and total yield per year among three varieties. This could attribute to longer growing period for H under the optimum temperature during the 1st growth. 3. H showed lower proportion of heading tillers to all tillers and had more elongating tillers than the others varieties. In spite of late variety, H was similar to K and No in TDN content (about 56%) at the 1st cutting. This accouted for partly by differences among varieties in composition of tillers. 4. Dry matter yield of three varieties increased with the increasing application rates of N fertilizer. H required more amounts of N for obtaining the highest yield. Also, luxurious absorption of N at the 1st cutting stage was observed from about 1.3% in N concentration for K, about 1.5% for No and about 1.8% for H. When each of grasses had the same N content by percent, the highest dry matter yield was obtained in H. These were seemed to be the causes leading high yield of H. 5. From the above results, the longer growing period under the optimum temperature and the higher dry matter yield on condition of the same N content were considered to be an important factors affecting in high yield of Hokushu (late variety of timothy) in Konsen district of Hokkaido.
- Japanese Journal of Grassland Science
Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 38 (3), 251-258, 1992
Japanese Society of Grassland Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205754922624
- NII Article ID
- 110006410388
- NII Book ID
- AN00194108
- 21886555
- 04475933
- 3813918
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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