Education of communications power for which child, guardian, and teacher utilized Blog mutually
- EJIMA Tetsuro
- Aichi University of Education
- UMEDA Kyoko
- Aichi University of Education
- NOZAKI Hironari
- Aichi University of Education
- HIRATA Kenichi
- Okazaki Women's Junior College
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- Other Title
- 子ども・保護者・教員が相互にBlogを活用して情報を伝え合う力を育成する実践研究
- コドモ ホゴシャ キョウイン ガ ソウゴ ニ Blog オ カツヨウシテ ジョウホウ オ ツタエアウ チカラ オ イクセイスル ジッセン ケンキュウ
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The system that the child, the guardian, and the teacher centered on Blog mutually aiming to promote power to impart information each other was constructed and practiced. Three practice was done. The teacher did sending and the reception the first, and the child and the guardian went only by the reception. Secondarily and thirdly, the child and the guardian also did sending and the reception. It went by the one to connect the remote place in a short term to expect both of these effects easily. Understanding to media was expected to be improved by experiencing information that oneself sent and its reception near oneself by such practice. Sending and the reception of active information were done the child, the guardian, and between teachers in practice. It was guessed to be effective so that the exchange for which Blog was used by these might improve power to tell each other. It was popular from the guardian and the teacher.
- Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research
Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research 13 (2), 45-53, 2007
Japan Association for Educational Media Study
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205835497088
- NII Article ID
- 110009780599
- NII Book ID
- AA11144471
- 24242527
- 13409352
- 8918747
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles
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