Development of the Polishing System for High-Speed & High-Pressure Polishing Process

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Other Title
  • 高速高圧研磨プロセス用研磨装置の開発
  • -サファイヤならびに SiC 基板への適用とその加工特性-
  • -Application and polishing characteristics of the Sapphire and SiC substrates -


<p>Compound semiconductors used in power devices and optical devices such as LED .Among them materials ,SiC and GaN ,Sapphire are known as hard- to-processes materials .we have developed a high-speed and high-pressure polishing machine for aiming at high efficiency polishing of the hard-to-process materials .In this machine ,the rotation speed of table and work are 1000min-1 ,polishing pressure can be added up to 1000kPa ,it is designed to reduce vibration during high speed ,with a high rigidity .As a result of the evolution of the high-speed high-pressure polishing process ,it is possible to achieve a high efficiency .</p>


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