細いネック部を形成しない無転位CZ-Si結晶成長(<小特集>バルク成長分科会特集 : 結晶成長の科学と技術)


  • Dislocation-free CZ-Si Crystal Growth without Thin Neck(<Special Issue>Science and Technology in Crystal Growth)
  • 解説 細いネック部を形成しない無転位CZ-Si結晶成長
  • カイセツ ホソイ ネックブ オ ケイセイ シナイ ムテンイ CZ Si ケッショウ セイチョウ



It is found that dislocation-free silicon crystal growth is possible without a thin neck proposed by Dash at 40 years ago and established as the critical step to obtain dislocation-free silicon crystal. Three kind of dislocations which are formed due to thermal shock, lattice misfit and incomplete seeding must be suppressed to grow dislocation-free crystals without the thin neck. It is shown that seed crystals heavily doped with B, Ge or In are useful to suppress dislocation generation due to thermal shock and seed crystals codoped with B and Ge are useful to suppress dislocation generation due to lattice misfit. The seeding conditions such as temperature and pulling rate which result in a shape of crystal grown are discussed to avoid dis-location formation due to incomplete seeding. Finally, industrial scale silicon crystals with 8 inches in diameter are successfully grown without the thin neck.


参考文献 (16)*注記


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