

  • Investigation about Disjunction and Mingling of Waggons-bands which are Seperated from Trains
  • レッシャ オ コウセイ スル カク タンイ シャリョウ ノ ブンサン オヨビ コンゴウ ゲンショウ ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ
  • 羽幌炭砿築別砿における調査資料による



Train system is usually used in the transport by waggons.But each member of a train does not always be fixed, waggons are transferred from one train to another either in groupe or in solitude.<BR>In this research, it is seeked that the several foundamental laws which govern the disjunction or mingling waggons-bands seperated from trains.The conclusions are following:_??_ Here, x=number of waggons in a same band, t=time that elasped during the transportation cycles, Ri=possibility in percentage that is caculated wheni-linked waggons are derived from a waggons-band, r=commoh ratio ofRi/Ri-1, (i=1, 2, ..x-1) Nn, n=number of waggons in the n-th train, Nn, m=number of waggons in a waggons-band which seperated from n-th or n2-th. train and mixed into m-th or n-th train, ‘a’, ‘b’ ‘k’ and ‘A’ are the constants.


  • 日本鑛業會誌

    日本鑛業會誌 75 (858), 1097-1103, 1959

    一般社団法人 資源・素材学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

