若年成人女子における亜鉛およびビタミンA栄養と食塩に対する味覚 9週にわたる食物摂取調査に基づく検討


  • Interrelationship between Zinc and Vitamin A Intake Relevant to Taste for Salt in Healthy Young Adult Women. A Study Based on a 9-week Dietary Consumption Survey.
  • ジャクネン セイジン ジョシ ニ オケル アエン オヨビ ビタミン A エイヨ
  • A Study Based on a 9-week Dietary Consumption Surver
  • 9週にわたる食物摂取調査に基づく検討



A 9-week dietary consumption survey was conducted on eight young women, and biochemical parameters (plasma Zn, plasma retinol, plasma retinol-binding protein (RBP) concentrations) were measured on the starting day, and on the day after the consumption survey. Gustatory functions for salt (salt taste threshold, salt preference and perceived saltiness intensity) were tested during the survey as a baseline, and in a 3-day period 2 months after the survey for preference and saltiness. There were no significant differences in biochemical parameters between the two measurements, i. e. at the start and after the survey, and there were significant correlations between pairs of values for each of the parameters obtained at the two measurement times. Plasma RBP after the survey showed a significant negative correlation with the intake per kg body weight of retinol and the retinol potency value of dietary consumption for a 9-week period, since day-to-day variations in individuals' daily intake were extremely large for both the latter parameters. In this case, therefore, plasma RBP concentrations would not be a good indicator of retinol and retinol potency intake. There was a significant negative correlation between the recognition threshold for salt and the plasma retinol level.


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