Induction of Trimethylamine Oxide Reductase in <i>Escherichia coli</i> Grown on Fish Muscle Extracts

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  • 魚肉抽出液中における大腸菌の増殖に伴うトリメチルアミンオキシド還元酵素の誘導
  • ギョニク チュウシュツエキチュウ ニ オケル ダイチョウキン ノ ゾウショク

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The induction of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) reductase in Escherichia coli grown on fish muscle extracts was investigated. A carp muscle extract containing little TMAO in concentration, allowed the bacteria to acquire high TMAO reductase activity when TMAO was added to the extract. The enzyme activity increase in concentration of TMAO. Chlo-ramphenicol inhibited the augmentation of the enzyme activity by TMAO. suggesting that the enzyme protein was synthesized de novo in bacterial cells. There was a high correlation between the enzyme activity of bacterial cells grown on muscle extracts from several species of fish and from squid and TMAO contents in the extracts.


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