Phosphorus Uptake by Some Grass Species under Aluminum-Dissolved Conditions
- HOJITO Masayuki
- Konsen Agric. Exp. Stn.
- Konsen Agric. Exp. Stn.
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- Other Title
- アルミニウム存在下における牧草のリン吸収
- アルミニウム ソンザイカ ニ オケル ボクソウ ノ リン キュウシュウ
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Nutrient uptake, typically in phosphorus, is depressed by grassland acidification which is caused by fertilizer anions. A purpose of this study is to clarify the mechanisms of nutrient-uptake depression in relation to the root weight or root length and aluminum in the soil. The grass species used in the experiment were orchardgrass, timothy, perennial ryegrass, alfalfa, red clover, and ladino clover. 1) By top dressing aluminum sulfate powder in pot experiment, depression in phosphorus uptake and root weight was observed. However, except for two species, the amount of phosphorus uptake per root weight was not affected by the aluminum treatment. This suggests that the depression of phosphorus uptake under aluminum coexistence is derived from the root weight depression caused by aluminum. In the case of perennial ryegrass or ladino clover, the amount of phosphorus uptake per root weight was depressed in the latter half of the aluminum treatment. This suggests that the physiological relations between phosphorus and aluminum in the root cell are affected. 2) In the solution culture experiment, by increasing the concentration of aluminum in the solution, the weight of shoot and root was depressed, and the extent of the depression was more marked in the root length than in the root weight. The phosphorus content of the grasses or the amount of the phosphorus uptake was in proportional relations with the root length. 3) By top dressing calcium carbonate on the well-acidified grassland, the soil pH, the weight of the root, and the nutrient content of the grasses were increased; however, the effect on the yield was not clear. This could be the result of the liming effect on the root elongation in relation to the aluminum concentrations in the soil solution. 4) From these results, it is considered that the depression of nutrient uptake, especially of phosphorus, on the acidified grassland, and the recovery of the depression by use of liming are phenomena which take part in the varying of the root weight or root length of the grasses.
- Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61 (6), 598-605, 1990
Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001206554984576
- NII Article ID
- 110001747783
- NII Book ID
- AN00195767
- 24240583
- 00290610
- 3695471
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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