<論文>主体的・対話的な深い学びのための教員養成の在り方に関する一考察 --台湾の「十二年国民基本教育」の実施に基づく教員養成基準の日台比較検討を手がかりに--

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  • 廖 于晴


  • <Article>Teacher Training for Promoting Students' Independent and Interactive Deep Learning:Comparison of teacher training standards between Japan and Taiwan
  • 主体的・対話的な深い学びのための教員養成の在り方に関する一考察 : 台湾の「十二年国民基本教育」の実施に基づく教員養成基準の日台比較検討を手がかりに
  • シュタイテキ ・ タイワテキ ナ フカイ マナビ ノ タメ ノ キョウイン ヨウセイ ノ アリカタ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ : タイワン ノ 「 ジュウニネン コクミン キホン キョウイク 」 ノ ジッシ ニ モトズク キョウイン ヨウセイ キジュン ノ ニッタイ ヒカク ケントウ オ テガカリ ニ



This study aimed to clarify the ideal way of training student teachers who can respond to the formation of students' abilities and intelligence by conducting a comparative analysis of Japan's "Core Curriculum for Teachers Training" and Taiwan's "Teacher Training Curriculum Standards." Our findings highlighted three strategies for developing teacher training programs that focus on students' independent and interactive deep learning as follows. First, the formation of practical knowledge of teachers should not only be implemented within the practical training course but also systematically integrated into the overall teacher train program. Second, the diversity of educational methods and related indicators must be ensured. Third and most importantly, teachers must proactively explore and act independently on educational issues, and theories and education methods should be the foundation of the training. Thus, given the diversity of students and unpredictability of the educational field, the ideal way of training teachers is to regard teachers as educational innovators. Their independent participation in teacher training programs should be encouraged, as well as in the formation of abilities and attitudes regarding practical application, collaboration, and exploration in education.


  • 地域連携教育研究

    地域連携教育研究 6 65-78, 2021-01-31



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