Thoughts had by visiting nurses who provide care for children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities.

  • Okita Mayumi
    Department of Child Health Nursing, Course of Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Mie University, Tsu, Mie

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  • 重症心身障害児をケアする訪問看護師の思い
  • ジュウショウ シンシン ショウガイジ オ ケア スル ホウモン カンゴシ ノ オモイ

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Children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (SMID), who are non-communicating children and nurses cannot be confident in their care. The object was to clarify the thoughts of a visiting nurse who cares for children with SMID at home. The subjects were 8 visiting nurses. They were each given a semi-structured interview. Their thoughts were extracted from the acquired data and analyzed using the KJ method. The results showed that visiting nurses do not feel confident in the care of children with SMID, but that they believed in the children's potential. The visiting nurses hoped to provide professional nursing care to aid the growth and development of children, to improve their quality of life. In order to improve the quality of life of children and their families, it was important for visiting nurses to know the characteristics of individual children and the background of their families.


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