若手教員の授業力向上のためのコーディネーターの役割 ─校内研修に焦点をあてて─


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  • The Roles of a Coordinator to Improve Teaching Skills of Young Teachers: Focusing on In-service Trainings





The purpose of this study is to examine ways to improve teaching skills of young teachers, with senior teachers acting as coordinators. The focus of the study was the practice of in-service training sessions for young teachers at an Elementary School. The training was mainly conducted by the first author as a coordinator, a teacher at the Elementary School. The training was conducted mainly by the first author, who is a teacher at the Elementary School. The training sessions consisted of (1) direct support such as conducting classes as instruction, (2) conducting mini-training sessions, and (3) providing support for classes as a Team Teacher, and (4) indirect support by developing tools for creating instructional plans. The results of these workshops indicated that in order to improve the teaching ability of young teachers, it is important for coordinators to be aware of the following three points: (1) reducing the burden of improving lessons, (2) providing new perspectives for lesson practice, and (3) creating a system to support the lessons of young teachers.


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