How to Understand and Handle Aberrant Social Behaviors after Brain Injury

  • Ueda Keita
    Kyoto Koka Womenʼs University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Welfare.

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Other Title
  • 外傷性脳損傷の社会的行動障害とその支援


<p>  “Dysfunction of social behavioral”, one of the major symptoms of “Higher brain dysfunction” defined by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare includes various types of social behavior abnormalities. The main causes of these maladaptive behavior abnormalities can be classified into three. One is social cognitive dysfunction, the other is other types of cognitive dysfunction including memory, executive dysfunction and so on, and the last one is psychosocial factors. For effective control of these behavior abnormalities, it is very important to understand the causes of such behavior. In this presentation, “expression of aggression” is selected to be focused on, and explain the cause and the way to control “expression of aggression” after brain injury. Some ways are effective for controlling “expression of aggression”, including medication, and handling effectively of other cognitive dysfunctions. Simply speaking, it is very important to make the daily lives of those with brain injury easier and reduce the number of problems in their lives. </p>


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