Effectiveness and prospects of the greeting campaign through cooperation between schools and communities

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  • 学校と地域の連携によるあいさつ運動の取組効果と展望
  • ガッコウ ト チイキ ノ レンケイ ニ ヨル アイサツ ウンドウ ノ トリクミ コウカ ト テンボウ

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This study aims to examine the high expectations of teachers for the effectiveness of a greeting campaign through the cooperation between schools and communities, the relationship between the frequency of greetings by teachers, children and students, and their familiarity with the community. A questionnaire survey was conducted on184 teachers working in elementary and junior high schools in urban areas such as Tokyo and Kawasaki city. A Hierarchical Multiple Regression analysis showed that teachers in Tokyo had an interaction effect on the frequency of greetings by children and students in school and in the community, while teachers in Kawasaki city had a main effect on the frequency of greetings by children and students in school and in the community. In addition, a main effect of familiarity with the community was shown in both areas. These results suggest that to increase teachers’ expectations of the effectiveness of a greeting campaign, it is important for the teachers to encourage children and students to greet inside and outside of school, as well as to increase their familiarity with the community.


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