Spore Density of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Forest Soils of Kagoshima Prefecture

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  • 鹿児島県の森林土壌におけるアーバスキュラー菌根菌の胞子密度


<p>This study aimed to detect arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal spores in the forest soil and investigate fluctuations in spore density over time. Soil samples were collected from 11 sites in Kagoshima Prefecture between June and November 2014 and subjected to spore extraction using the wet-sieving method. The spores produced by AM fungi were detected in samples from 10 locations, but none were found in the soil collected from a pine forest near the active crater of Sakurajima. Low spore densities were observed in samples from three sites, including one located near the Sakurajima crater. At locations where significant seasonal changes in the spore density of AM fungi were observed, spore density was high in June, decreased afterward, and remained low until November. No significant correlation was observed between spore density and distance from the nearest pine tree or distance from Miscanthus sinensis in pine forests. Furthermore, we observed no significant difference in spore density between the soil samples collected from beneath AM trees and those collected from under ectomycorrhizal trees in a broadleaf forest.</p>



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