Long-term assessment of river flow regime by applying statistical correction method in data scarce basin

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  • 観測データの乏しい流域での利用に向けた統計的補正手法を適用した長期的河川流況評価


<p>General Circulation Models (GCMs) used for climate change impact assessment have biases relative to observational data. These biases are corrected by applying long-term observational data (e.g. 20 years). However, there are many data scarce areas, such as developing countries. In these areas, reanalysis data is used instead of observational data. But reanalysis data also have biases since it targets global scale. This study aims to build statistical bias correction method for reanalysis data and verify the past river flow regime in the basin of Tateno dam. Tateno dam is under construction, so long-term pseudo-observational data is essential when we assess the river flow regime. As a result, it is revealed that the statistical correction method can reproduce the river flow regime comparison with observational data. Also, we found the reproducibility of discharge outflow from Tateno dam is almost same relative to observational data.</p>


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    • JaLC
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