Global Cement and Concrete Industry Decarbonization Trends

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  • 世界のセメント・コンクリート業界の脱炭素動向


<p>In an effort to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050, expectations are growing surrounding the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere and exhaust gases through the carbonation of cement and concrete. In light of this, various R&D and practical applications are being promoted worldwide. This review introduces state-of-the-art technological developments related to CCUS using cement and concrete, including: Transition of CO2 emissions in the construction and cement/concrete industries; Outline of measures for carbon neutralization; Outline of various technologies for low-carbonization; Decarbonization at each stage of the concrete lifecycle; Development of additions and aggregates made of artificial calciumcarbonate; Development of cement/concrete binders that react and harden with CO2; and Development of calcium carbonate concrete. Requirements are also indicated for concrete to develop into a carbon-neutral construction material.</p>



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