

  • Evaluation of a Square Duct Cleaning Mechanism using a Planetary Gear Mechanism
  • —Development of a Prototype of Cleaning Mechanism and Evaluation of a Cleaning Rate by Dust Cleaning Experiment—
  • —清掃機構の試作と粉塵の清掃実験による清掃率の評価—


<p>This paper describes the development of a cleaning mechanism using planetary gears to clean grease accumulated in kitchen ducts. We aim to develop a robot for cleaning grease in ventilation ducts, which can cause fires. Generally, ducts are cleaned by hand. However, small ducts that are inaccessible to humans have not been cleaned. In this study, we develop a cleaning mechanism using a planetary gear mechanism that can scrub the inner walls of square ducts. In a cleaning experiment, the proposed mechanism can scrub the inner wall of a small duct that was inaccessible to humans at a cleaning rate of more than 30% at once. This result shows the possibility of a proposed mechanism contributing to preventing duct fires by cleaning ducts that have not been cleaned. </p>


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