Characteristics of the Scientific Communication : Functions of the Scholarly Journals(<Special feature> Scientific communication in science and technology)

  • KURATA Keiko
    School of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Letters, Keio University

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Other Title
  • 科学技術情報流通の仕組 : 学術雑誌の役割(<特集>科学技術情報流通を俯瞰する)
  • 科学技術情報流通の仕組;学術雑誌の役割
  • カガク ギジュツ ジョウホウ リュウツウ ノ シクミ ガクジュツ ザッシ ノ ヤクワリ

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This paper provides a historical outline of the system of scientific communication, especially the scholarly journals. The functions supplied by the journals have not been well filled by other information media. In the days of widespread electronic communication, how scientific communication change is considered from the scientists' use of electronic media.


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