Ethynyl Estradiolの実験的肝内胆汁うっ滞に及ぼす影響


  • Effect of Ethynyl Estradiol on Experimental Intrahepatic Cholestasis
  • Ethynyl Estradiol ノ ジッケンテキ カンナイ タンジュウ ウ



In female rats pretreated with 0.5mg per 100gm body weight of ethynyl estradiol for seven days, bile flow reduced to 27% of control rats, associated with 24% decrease of bile acid excretion into bile. Reversed correlation was found between a given dose of the ethynyl estradiol and bile flow as well as bile acid excretion. Although continuous infusion of 0.6μM/100gm body weight/min. of taurolithocholate (TLCA) into the femoral vein of rats induced cholestasis, bile flow was increased when 0.083μM/100gm body weight/min. of TLCA was given. However, in rats pretreated with above mentioned dose of ethynyl estradiol, the bile flow was reduced to 52% of nonpretreated control rats with elevation of serum bilirubin by infusion of 0.083μM/100gm body weight/min. of TLCA. Those data suggest that small dose of TLCA, which is not enough for inducing cholestasis, can cause cholestasis when rats are predisposed to it.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 19 (3), 292-298, 1978

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

