<b>Study on Six Cases of Infertile Women with Clomiphene-Resistant </b><b>Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Successfully Treated </b><b>with Concomitant Saireito Therapy </b>

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  • <b>クロミフェン無効な多嚢胞性卵巣症候群に対し,柴苓湯の併用療法が奏効した6症例の検討</b>
  • 臨床報告 クロミフェン無効な多嚢胞性卵巣症候群に対し,柴苓湯の併用療法が奏効した6症例の検討
  • リンショウ ホウコク クロミフェン ムコウ ナ タノウホウセイ ランソウ ショウコウグン ニ タイシ,サイレイトウ ノ ヘイヨウ リョウホウ ガ ソウコウ シタ 6 ショウレイ ノ ケントウ

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs in 5 to 8% of females of reproductive age and is one of the leading causes of menstrual abnormalities and infertility. The treatment of PCOS varies, depending on the patient's age and background, particularly on the presence/absence of a desire to have children. In those desiring to have children, clomiphene therapy is the first-line treatment for PCOS. However, the anti-estrogen action of clomiphene may lead to a thinning of the endometrium and decreased cervical mucus production, while some patients show a poor response to the agent. In this study, saireito was administered to clomiphene-resistant PCOS patients, and the ovulation cycle improved in 6. Effective cases of saireito tended to have higher oketsu (blood stagnation) and suitai (water stagnation) statescores before treatment, also serum LH levels and LH/FSH ratios were lower due to the concurrent saireito medication. Furthermore, these effective cases had lower levels of serum testosterone than the non-effective and clomiphene-effective cases. This clinical report suggests the appropriateness of performing this therapy in accordance with sho (oriental patterns or symptoms), before second-line treatments such as gonadotropin therapy or laparoscopic surgery.


  • Kampo Medicine

    Kampo Medicine 66 (2), 83-88, 2015

    The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine

Citations (2)*help

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