• Hanai Tadashi
    Department of Urology, Kinki University School of Medicine Present; Urological and Urodynamics Center, Koushinkai Hospital
  • Matsumoto Seiji
    Department of Urology, Kinki University School of Medicine Present; Urological and Urodynamics Center, Koushinkai Hospital
  • Shimizu Nobutaka
    Department of Urology, Kinki University School of Medicine
  • Uemura Hirotsugu
    Department of Urology, Kinki University School of Medicine
  • Sugiyama Takahide
    Department of Urology, Takaishi Fujii Hospital

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  • 国際前立腺症状スコア (IPSS) に「排尿後尿滴下」を加えた独自の問診票による下部尿路症状の調査
  • コクサイ ゼンリツセン ショウジョウ スコア IPSS ニ ハイニョウゴ ニョウ テキカ オ クワエタ ドクジ ノ モンシンヒョウ ニ ヨル カブ ニョウロ ショウジョウ ノ チョウサ

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(Objectives) At present, there are almost no report concerning post micturition dribble (PMD) in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUIS). PMD may have a negative effect on the quality of life (QOL) of afflicted patients. However, question concerning PMD are not included in the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire, and a number of questions about PMD remain to be addressed, such as the correlation between PMD and QOL. Therefore, we investigated PMD using an original question form (IPSS added PMD) we created.<br>(Methods) Between June 2006 and March 2007, the self-administered modified IPSS (IPSS with new questions included concerning PMD) was 5 obtained from 621 outpatients (394 men and 227 women) visiting our hospital.<br>(Results) The PMD scores were 1.2±1.7 in men, and 0.6±1.2 in women, and thus we see that the men had a significantly higher than the women. Men's PMD scores rise from age 50 and reach a peak in the 70's. On the other hand, there is no significant change for women from the 20s and thereafter. Those with higher PMD scores were male patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and females with stress urinary incontinence.<br>In BPH group, the average PMD score was higher than patients with another urological disease. The PMD scores were appreciably high at 1.59±1.90 for the LUTS group, and had the lower value of 0.36±0.90 for the non-LUTS group. Therefore, the LUTS group was found to have a significantly higher PMD score. Men in the LUTS group (especially those with BPH) had a positive correlation between their QOL scores and PMD scores.<br>(Conclusion) The following points may be revealed from the present study. —In patients with LUTS (especially BPH), PMD score is higher and may impair their QOL.<br>-Even women and youth may experience PMD. A more detailed evidence concerning PMD will be needed.


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