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  • 急性尿閉症例の臨床的検討
  • キュウセイ ニョウヘイショウレイ ノ リンショウテキ ケントウ

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(Purpose) Clinical study of acute urinary retention seen by this department.<br>(Materials and Methods) Subjects were 206 cases seen during office hours and during after-hours emergency care by the department of Urology at the Kinki University Hospital for acute urinary retention for the 12-year-period from April 1993 to April 2005.<br>(Results) By gender, the 206 cases of acute urinary retention included 175 men (85%) and 31 women (15%). The ratio of men to women was 5.6:1, with a markedly larger number of male cases. Ages of the 206 cases overall were distributed from 6 to 93 years old and the mean age was 66 years old. In male cases, the mean age was 69.6 years old while in female cases it was 46.3 years old. With regard to the cause, bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) accounted for 123 (70.3%) of the 175 male cases; benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was noted in 92 cases and accounted for 52.6%of the total. Detrusor Weakness (DW) was noted in 35 cases (20%). DW was most prevalent in women, being noted in 20 cases (64.5%). With regard to treatment, in male cases surgery was performed for BOO in 69 (56%) of 123 cases; surgery was performed for BPH in 56 (60.8%) of 92 cases, drug therapy was used in 19 cases, and 3 cases were observed. In female cases, 10 cases were able to urinate on their own through treatment of the causative disorder. With regard to outcome, ultimately a total of 139 cases (67.5%), 125 men and 14 women, were able to urinate on their own.<br>(Conclusions)<br>1.85% of acute urinary retention cases were men. Of these, 70% were caused by some form of BOO. DW due to a cause other than obstruction accounted for about 70% of the remaining 30%.<br>2. Overall, 70% of cases were able to urinate on their own after treatment while 30% required catheterization.<br>3. After the cause of BOO was eliminated, cases were likely to be able to urinate on their own; CIC (clean intermittent catheterization) was frequently used in treatment of causes other than BOO.<br>4.15 % of acute urinary retention cases were women.



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