

  • Estimation of Avian Prolactin by Polyacrylamide Disc Electrophoresis
  • ディスク デンキ エイドウホウ ニヨル ニワトリ プロラクチン カッセイ ノ



The possibility for the estimation of prolactin in the fowl pituitary by a disc-electrophoresis was investigated. Homogenates of anterior pituitaries from broiler chickens were subjected to the disc-electrophoresis using polyacrylamide gel and divided into 5 segments according to their mobilities. For comparison, NIH-prolactin (ovine) was treated in the same way. Eluates of each segment were assayed for prolactin using a local pigeon crop-gland response. 1. The fastest migrating band was found to be the band which includes prolactin. 2. In the ovine prolactin, a close relationship was found between the dose of eluate and the optical density, and a high correlation coefficient was obtained between the optical density and the crop-gland response. 3. Similar results were also obtained in the eluates of the fastest migrating band in the disc-electrophoresis of the chicken pituitary homogenates. The results indicate that the method using the disc-electrophoresis can be used as a sensitive and simplified method for the quantitative analysis of the fowl prolactin.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 48 (3), 168-172, 1977

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

