Investigation of Teachers'Purpose, Frequency and Timing of ICT Use in Class Process of Whole Class Teaching(<Special Issue>Design and Assessment of ICT Usage in Schools to Improve Scholastic Abilities)

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  • 一斉授業の授業過程におけるICT活用の目的・頻度・タイミングに関する調査(<特集>学力向上を目指したICT活用のデザイン・実践・効果)
  • 一斉授業の授業過程におけるICT活用の目的・頻度・タイミングに関する調査
  • イッセイ ジュギョウ ノ ジュギョウ カテイ ニ オケル ICT カツヨウ ノ モクテキ ヒンド タイミング ニ カンスル チョウサ

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ICT use in the class process of the whole class teaching was investigated. The investigation object is teachers who are daily using ICT in their teaching. As a result, the following respect became clear. 1) ICT had been used 3.3 times on the average among the class of 45 minutes. Averages of the required time of ICT use were 19.0 minutes. ICT had been used 83% in the period of first 5 minutes of the class, about 50% after period of first 5 minutes. 2) Material for the explanation by the teacher brought the purpose of the ICT use, presentation of the study task brought in the introduction stage, repetition study for established brought at the last stage. 3) ICT equipments that the teacher utilized were a lot of projectors, document cameras and computers. 4) A clear coincidence was not observed between ICT equipment and the purpose of using ICT.


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