Study on Destruction Modes of Leaning Revetments

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  • もたれ式護岸の被災形態に関する研究


Seawalls play a very important role in protecting Japan's coastline, but they may sometimes be destroyed by high waves. The leaning revetment is a common type of seawall structure. The modes of destruction of the leaning revetments were classified into two types: sliding of the bottom of the revetment bodies in the offshore direction, and joint fracture. However, factors which choose each destruction mode were unknown. In this study, experiments were conducted to inspect destruction processes of leaning revetments and its factors in putting emphasis on behaviors of revetments' bodies. The results of the experiments indicated that blocks in front of revetments might restrain sharp sliding of revetments' bodies, and a joint fracture might occur if an impulsive wave force acted on a revetment in particular conditions.


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