Relationships between Sensory Evaluation of Japanese Black Beef by Distribution Traders of Meat and its Physico-Chemical Characteristics.

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  • 食肉流通業者による黒毛和種牛肉の官能評価と理化学的特性との関係
  • ショクニク リュウツウギョウシャ ニ ヨル クロゲワシュ ギュウニク ノ カンノウ ヒョウカ ト リ カガクテキ トクセイ ト ノ カンケイ

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To obtain guidelines to establish more exact and objective sensory tests for Japanese Black beef by clarifying factors affecting its ''tastiness'', the relation between sensory evaluation and physico-chemical characteristics of six rib loin meat samples from heifers and steers averaging 29.4 months of age (meat quality grade, 4; BMS, 6–7) were assessed by 24 meat traders as panelists. Kendall’s coefficients of concordance for evaluation of meat in appearance and its sensory evaluation among panelists were significant (P < 0.01), but the evaluations were not necessarily in agreement, meaning that it was difficult to predict the latter evaluation from the former one. Results show that the crude fat content of the meat, unsaturated fatty acid concentration, fat melting point, and monounsaturated fatty acid composition of subcutaneous lipids of the cattle complexly influenced the sensory evaluation. Therefore, results suggest that the evaluation based on physico-chemical characteristics, rather than evaluation of meat appearance, might be more indicative of sensory characteristics. Nevertheless, it was impossible to identify some primary physico-chemical characteristics related to sensory evaluation in beef samples with little difference in the meat quality grade.


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