Effect of Preparation Conditions on the Antioxidative Activity and Quality of Various Pickles
- Komatsu Akiko
- Graduate School of Tokyo Kasei University
- Harada Kazuki
- National Fisheries University
- Endo Nobuyuki
- The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
- Nagatsuka Norie
- Graduate School of Tokyo Kasei University
- Nagao Keiko
- Graduate School of Tokyo Kasei University
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- Other Title
- 漬物の抗酸化性及び品質に及ぼす調製条件の影響
- ツケモノ ノ コウサンカセイ オヨビ ヒンシツ ニ オヨボス チョウセイ ジョウケン ノ エイキョウ
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We investigated the quality and antioxidative activity of “shio-zuke”, “miso-zuke” and “sunki-zuke” pickles prepared in the Laboratory of Cookery Science at Tokyo Kasei University and of various other pickles on the market. We measured the color difference, pH value, salt concentration, and rupture characteristics to investigate the quality of these pickles. Their antioxidative activity was measured by using the chemiluminescence, ORAC and HORAC methods.<br>The weight, color difference and rupture strain of each pickle changed with the period of preservation. The respective pH values of “shio-zuke” and “miso-zuke” were from 4 to 6 and about pH5.2.<br>There was high antioxidative activity in the salt solutions of “shio-zuke”, “miso-zuke” and “sunki-zuke”. “sunki-zuke” of the fermented pickles strongly scavenged the peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals. “suguki-zuke” and “takana-zuke” of the fermented commercial pickles also had high antioxidative activity.
- Journal of Cookery Science of Japan
Journal of Cookery Science of Japan 44 (2), 128-136, 2011
The Japan Society of Cookery Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680481421568
- NII Article ID
- 110008593961
- NII Book ID
- AN10471022
- 21865787
- 13411535
- 11072657
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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